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Biologists' FAQ

The Gap between Data and Insight

In biotech and pharma pre-clinical and clinical R&D, receiving omics data from drug treatments on patient-derived cells presents a significant opportunity to address biological questions crucial for understanding the drug's mechanisms and its potential therapeutic effects. Here are some key questions that scientists frequently ask:

Drug Mechanism of Action

  • How does the drug influence the cellular pathways within patient-derived cells?

  • Which genes, proteins, and metabolic pathways are up- or downregulated upon treatment?

  • Can these pathways help elucidate the drug's primary targets and off-target effects?

Differential Response Analysis

  • Are there variations in how different patient cells respond to the drug?

  • Are there any biomarkers of responsiveness or resistance to the drug?

  • By comparing omics profiles from responders and non-responders, are there any predictive markers of efficacy or adverse effects?

Drug Safety Profile

  • What are the potential toxic effects of the drug on normal cells?

  • Are there any concerning pathways activated by the drug that could lead to toxicity?

  • What are the molecular mechanisms of the drug's side effects?

Gene Expression Profiling

  • Which genes are significantly affected by the drug treatment?

  • What gene expression changes correlate with the drug's intended therapeutic effects or unwanted side effects?

  • Can we distinguish between primary effects directly linked to the drug's action and secondary effects resulting from the cellular response to the primary effects?

Epigenetic Effects

  • Does the drug cause any changes in the epigenetic landscape of the cells, such as DNA methylation or histone modification?

  • Can these changes provide insights into the drug’s long-term impacts on gene regulation?

Protein Interaction Networks

  • From the changes in the proteome, including post-translational modifications, can we deduce how the drug affect protein-protein interactions within the cells?

Metabolic Changes

  • What are the effects of the drug on the cellular metabolism?

  • Do these changes in metabolic pathways contribute to the drug’s efficacy or toxicity?

Comparison with Existing Therapies

  • How does the drug's impact on cellular pathways compare with current treatments?

  • What are the drug's advantages or disadvantages over existing therapies?

  • What potentially position it as a superior option?

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